Travel The Ways


Travel two countries in one trip

Travel two countries in one trip

Hi! My name is Lara and I’m a travel passionate. I have been traveling since I can remember. There is so much to see, so much to discover… I have traveled up to more than 25 countries and keep adding new ones to my bucket list!  I have created a travel tips and guide website to help and inspire people to travel around the globe.


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short intro

This post aims to inspire travelers to make the most out of their trip. However, bear in mind that the minimum days that I recommend to travel in order to being able to explore two countries in the same trip is at least two weeks, one week in each country. 

It’s amazing how one flight to a specific country can cost so much but it’s a bargain in a country nearby to the one you are planning to visit. That’s the magic of traveling. When I’m planning on going into a new adventure, I always have a look at the flight options, but I mean ALL options.

TIP HERE: Normally, it’s cheaper if you buy a return flight rather than buying flight tickets separately. Always search for options with return ticket as the airlines usually offer promotions. The best tool for me is Skyscanner. To be honest, I love traveling, so every year I travel to the places I find the best rates. I never stick to a certain place in my head and I guess that is the reason why I travel so frequently and reduce travel expenses. In Skyscanner, go and select a place of origin to ‘whichever country’ and ‘whichever dates’ and start playing with dates and destinations to find your next adventure. If you can, don’t stick to specific dates nor destination, as you will probably find high prices. 

Here are my top countries to visit in one trip

short intro

This post aims to inspire travelers to make the most out of their trip. However, bear in mind that the minimum days that I recommend to travel in order to being able to explore two countries in the same trip is at least two weeks, one week in each country. 

It’s amazing how one flight to a specific country can cost so much but it’s a bargain in a country nearby to the one you are planning to visit. That’s the magic of traveling. When I’m planning on going into a new adventure, I always have a look at the flight options, but I mean ALL options.

TIP HERE: Normally, it’s cheaper if you buy a return flight rather than buying flight tickets separately. Always search for options with return ticket as the airlines usually offer promotions. The best tool for me is Skyscanner. To be honest, I love traveling, so every year I travel to the places I find the best rates. I never stick to a certain place in my head and I think that is the reason why I travel so frequently and reduce travel expenses. In Skyscanner, go and select a place of origin to ‘whichever country’ and ‘whichever dates’ and start playing with dates and destinations to find your next adventure. If you can, don’t stick to specific dates nor destination, as you will probably find high prices. 

Here are my top countries to visit in one trip











1. Cuba and Bahamas

Sometimes you can find amazing flight options to Cuba from Europe. For example, I found a direct flight from Madrid to Havana for 450EUR including the return. What a bargain, specially considering is a direct flight with no stops. But first things first: I didn’t bought the flights until I did some searching of the options I had if I traveled to Cuba.

I had a look at different spots, activities and places to visit while in the country and think of how long could I take to visit the ones I definitely wanted to discover. It is important also to consider the money currency and living cost in the country as it’s great to find good flight options and knowing that the country currency will benefit yours. Also, I did the same procedure in Skyscanner with Cuba: I searched the places nearby that I could visit within the possible dates I was traveling to Cuba. I found a good option to the Bahamas. There are direct flights that take an hour and cost around 300EUR with return back to Havana. It’s not the cheapest but bear in mind the Bahamas is considered a luxury destination.

Total budget on flights: 750EUR all direct flights for two weeks travel (1 week in each country).

11. Sri Lanka and Maldives

Same here. We found a flight option of 500EUR from Madrid to Colombo with one stop on the way in and one stop on the way back. We spent two weeks discovering the country and then flown to Malé for 200EUR direct ticket returning back to Colombo. Bear in mind a flight to the Maldives from your country may be quite a bit more, but if you take advantage of being in a country nearby the cost will be reduced significantly. 

Total budget on flights: 700EUR visiting Sri Lanka & Maldives in 3 weeks.





















111. Los Ángeles and Hawaii

Ok… this two aren’t in different countries but the USA is so huge I will include both. There are amazing promotions sometimes from Europe to L.A. I remember our flights were 250EUR direct flight including the return from Madrid (not kidding). Go and check frequently Skyscanner to see new promos coming up within the next months. 

We decided to stay 1 week in Los Ángeles and 2 weeks in Hawaii (visiting Kauai and Big Island).

There are direct flights every day from L.A to Hawaii and take around 4h to arrive (looks closer than it actually is). Our flight cost 300EUR. This one was more expensive than flying all the way to L.A from Spain… anyway…

Total budget for flights: 500EUR (if you’d like to visit more than one island, add another 100EUR flight per island).

1v. Bali and Borneo

This trip is in my bucket list!

Definitely consider Bali, together with Borneo (you will have the chance to see orangutans in this last one). Forget about direct flights, that’s impossible to find. However, you may find flights to Bali for 600EUR with one stop on the way in and one in the way out (to Yakarta it’s always cheaper and then travel by road all the way to Bali)

In order to get to Borneo you’ll have to fly from Yakarta. I mean, you can fly from Bali but it’s longer and more expensive. From Yakarta you can find direct flights to Borneo every day and have an average cost of about 100EUR return.

I really recommend to leave Borneo for the end of your trip if you flown at first to Yakarta. This way, you’ll fly to Borneo from Yakarta and return back ready to take your flight back to your country.











v. Costa Rica and Panamá

Costa Rica and Panama are the perfect option to consider. Get a flight to San José and fly back to your country from Ciudad de Panama (or viceversa) and cross the border by road. 

At least stay one week in each country… there is so much to see!

Total budget for flights: around 700EUR.

Another option is to get a promo with return flight to one of them, let say Costa Rica, and then find a deal to fly for few days to Panama and return back to Costa Rica to fly back to your country.

Total budget for flights: 600EUR  (usually is even cheaper than the first option, don’t ask me why).

v1. Republica Dominicana and Puerto Rico

This combination is also amazing and very similar to Costa Rica and Panama. The islands are next to each other and the flights between one island to the other are available every day with direct flights.

I would definitely recommend you to consider the same options: even flying to Puerto Rico or República Dominicana with a  return ticket and then get a flight to visit the other country, or fly to one destination and return to your country from the other one.

Total budget for flights:

Option 1. Getting a return flight from your country to RD or PR: 400-600EUR. Flights are cheaper to República Dominicana than to Puerto Rico. You will have to add flights from RD to PR that cost around 100EUR return.

Option 2. Fly to one country and return back home from the other one: 700-800EUR. As you can see, this option is more expensive but here really depends on your comfort on how many flights you’d like to take. Taking more flights = more expensive. Again, don’t ask me why.

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