Travel The Ways


Travel Europe by train: 5 incredible interrail routes

Travel Europe by train: 5 incredible interrail routes

Hi! My name is Lara and I’m a travel passionate. I have been traveling since I can remember. There is so much to see, so much to discover… I have traveled up to more than 25 countries and keep adding new ones to my bucket list!  I have created a travel tips and guide website to help and inspire people to travel around the globe.


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Considering Europe is one of the most expensive destinations in the world but at the same time one of the easiest to travel around between countries due to proximity, there are many ways to make your experience as affordable and complete as possible… and this is one of them! If you are planning to travel Europe, even if you live abroad or within Europe, you might want to see more than just one country in the same trip.


So here is how it works: you’ll need to visit the official interrail website and see what train pass suits you better (weekly, monthly, multiple countries or traveling within the same country, etc). Prices may vary between 50€ to 180€ depending on which option you choose. The most popular one is traveling 7 times by train within a month, which means, you can discover up to 7 countries in a month (or less) and you decide which dates you’d like to travel as this pass gives you total freedom to decide when and where. You’ll need to show your pass at the ticket counter in the station you are in and choose the train you’d like to get. Easy as that. The only thing to consider is that if you are traveling in high season, it’s advisable to book your seat in advance to make sure they don’t get sold out. Also, you can choose night train routes so you don’t waste time traveling during the day plus you save money in hotels.

Spoiler alert here* Backpackers love this option as you get to travel a lot plus you can stay in cheap backpacking hostels & sleep in trains while doing your EU country hopping. Traveling Europe has never been this cheap!

Keep reading!

short intro

Considering Europe is one of the most expensive destinations in the world but at the same time one of the easiest to travel around between countries due to proximity, there are many ways to make your experience as affordable and complete as possible… and this is one of them! If you are planning to travel Europe, even if you live abroad or within Europe, you might want to see more than just one country in the same trip.


So here is how it works: you’ll need to visit the official interrail website and see what train pass suits you better (weekly, monthly, multiple countries or traveling within the same country, etc). Prices may vary between 50€ to 180€ depending on which option you choose. The most popular one is traveling 7 times by train within a month, which means, you can discover up to 7 countries in a month (or less) and you decide which dates you’d like to travel as this pass gives you total freedom to decide when and where. You’ll need to show your pass at the ticket counter in the station you are in and choose the train you’d like to get. Easy as that. The only thing to consider is that if you are traveling in high season, it’s advisable to book your seat in advance to make sure they don’t get sold out. Also, you can choose night train routes so you don’t waste time traveling during the day plus you save money in hotels.

Spoiler alert here* Backpackers love this option as you get to travel a lot plus you can stay in cheap backpacking hostels & sleep in trains while doing your EU country hopping. Traveling Europe has never been this cheap!










1. North-West route

In my opinion, this is the best route to begin with! Distances between the countries are very convenient and you get to see many places. This route is recommended for at least one week. If you have more time, you can even consider going more south to Montpellier and finish somewhere in Spain.

1. Copenhagen (Denmark)
2. Hamburg (Germany)
3. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
4. Brussels (Belgium)
5. Brujas (Belgium)
6. Paris (France)

2. Europe's cheapest route

Europe can be cheap too! This route is recommended for at least 10 days to experience it in a slow tourism way. Distances are farther away and I highly recommend getting night train routes in the longest journeys so you don’t miss a day just traveling by train.

1. Varsovia (Poland)
2. Prague (Czech Republic)
3. Bratislava (Slovaquia)
4. Budapest (Hungary)
5. Zagreb (Croatia)
6. Belgrado (Serby)
7. Podgorica (Montenegro)

3. The Mediterranean route

This is a May-September route for you! Enjoy the amazing mediterranean coast exploring four countries. I would recommend this route for 7-10 days. If you have more time, I would include stopping by some coast villages as the beauty of these towns are real. 

1. Barcelona (Spain)
2. Marsella (France)
3. Nice (France)
4. Montecarlo (Monaco)
5. Génova (Italy)
6. Pisa (Italy)
7. Rome (Italy)

4. The Romantic route

Traveling with your soulmate? This route is ideal to spend an incredible week away with your partner and live the romantic side of Europe. 

1. Paris (France)
2. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
3. Berlin (Germany)
4. Prague (Czech Republic)
5. Budapest (Hungary)
6. Viena (Austria)

5. North-East route

This is the perfect itinerary for a week if you’d like to explore the north-east side of Europe by train. During the winter season gets really cold but it’s likely you’ll be able to see snow!

1. Tallin (Estonia)
2. Riga (Letonia)
3. Vila (Lithuania)
4. Minsk (Bielorrusia)
5. Varsovia (Poland)

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